Category Archives: Publications

Thanks York University LA&PS for the shout out and support for Feeling Weird

Thanks to York University Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies for the support and piece in their latest Faculty Digest on our graphic novel, Feeling Weird.



Pleased to announce that Feeling Weird, a graphic novel that deals with youth mental health in the context of a entertaining story and great art (by Dave Shephard), is now available. This was a long hard journey but one that my co-writer, Sean Donaghey, and I are happy we persevered with. We’re very proud of this book and believe it is one that youth will read because they actually want to. 

You can follow the link below for purchasing information.

Latest album review: Whitney: “Light Upon The Lake: Demos”

I like Whitney. I really do. I bet they’d like me if we met. I went to their latest concert in Toronto and thoroughly enjoyed their solid, albeit slight, output. By now you may be waiting for the ‘but’ so here it is: But I’m not sure why they released Light Upon The Lake: The Demos a mere year after dropping said debut. Was it to show how very similar their final product is to the original demos? Was it to show how the final polished album is better, with a cleaner sound, sweeter vocals and a more driving feel to it? Or was it to show that there isn’t a whole lot of back catalogue material for them to draw upon?

Latest Output by Whitney: “Light Upon the Lake: The Demos”

Review of New Magic, Son Little’s most recent album, in Quip Magazine


I was really looking forward to seeing what Son Little would do with his new album. His first full length self-titled release established him as someone looking to rework the blues and R&B canon in a new way (or to travel some forgotten byways). That album was spectral, spooky, and a little freaky. It called to mind Screaming Jay Hawkins or Andre Williams. It really grew on me. So, I was looking forward to how he would push things forward on this new outing. Initially, however, [MORE]

POP CULTURE: A Boy Named… Who?

POP CULTURE: A Boy Named... Who?
Johnny Cash’s song “A Boy Named Sue” tells us something true about fathers

I love the Johnny Cash song, “A Boy Named Sue”. You can sing it; it tells a story; and it’s funny as @#$%. It’s about a boy who was abandoned by his father, leaving him with nothing but the name “Sue”. This made for a hard life for young Sue, who had to learn to look after himself on account of his name. Sue swears that when he finds his father, he’ll kill him. Hilarious, right?

A version of this post also appears in the October/November 2013 Village Living Magazine: West Village and Village Living Magazine: Mount Pleasant.


Pop Culture: Pillow Talk

pillow talk

Another snapshot of life here at Pop Culture.
As we snuggle at bedtime at lights out, my six year leans over and confides in me.
“Daddy, I know God’s secrets.”
“Huh?!  Really? How do you know that?”
“I saw a wizard today and his shadow told me.”
I alternate between concern that he is totally insane and awe at how incredibly cool that is.