Recent Email to Lock Search Group clients

Dear Chris

On February 12 the Olympic torch will arrive in Vancouver to start the 2010 Winter Olympic Games and everything else in Vancouver will come to a grinding halt – all except Lock Search Group, that is. Our dedicated team has been training for this event for almost a complete day now and will be in prime shape once the Torch arrives.

The events that our committed team has been training for include:

The Non-Ringing Phone Endurance Event – Using a combination of meditation, coffee, computer solitaire and air mattresses to combat bed sores, our staff will be poised to answer any call that might come through day or night.

Stopped/Slow Moving Car Vault – Recognizing that important client meetings could be sabotaged by traffic snarls, our team of dedicated staff has been practicing its wind sprints and car vaulting skills in a nearby Tim Horton’s drive-through which they feel gives the best comparison to real life circumstances. We are happy to announce that the stopped cars are proving to be no match for our group – though the slowly moving ones are still presenting a challenge. We hope them all to be off crutches soon so they can master that challenge by February 12.

Olympic Fever Vertical Climb – Our number one challenge will be to overcome peoples’ obsession with the Olympics so we can discuss meeting their recruitment needs. To that end the team here at the Vancouver office has fully embraced traditional Olympic dress for the duration of the Olympics. That’s right – we’ll all be wearing togas. (OK, traditional Olympic dress was nude but even Lock Search group has limits on how far it’ll go for your business.)

Lock Search Group is ready to meet your recruiting needs during the Olympics. We encourage you to give us a call or drop in and, hey, if you want to sport traditional Olympic dress, it’s all good. Be sure to bring a towel to sit on, though.

Team Lock Search Group